
There are many steps when it comes to preparing your teen for independence in college. 我们是来帮忙的! 本文由CeCe Jacob撰写, CCA’s 校友 Relations Coordinator – will share necessary items for your teen’s first year in a college dorm.

你是即将毕业的学生的家长吗? Transitioning your teen from high school to higher education may feel like drinking out of a water hose. 你选好了学校, 选择了专业(希望如此), and now you’re deciding between on- or off-campus housing. But the next question will be: What necessities should your teen bring to college?

Whether your teen has a room to themselves or if it’s a shared space, their room will become a safe place that should reflect their own personal style!

我有个朋友有假藤蔓, 闪烁的灯光, 照片无处不在, and decorative pillows in her dorm room and another friend who stuck one poster up and never decorated again (that friend was me). It’s up to you and your teen to know what decor you’ll need to make it feel like home!

Here are a few items I recommend for basic essentials:

  • 床垫垫(大学的床位通常是38英寸× 80英寸。. 我建议提前和学院确认一下!)
  • 床上用品 (床单、枕头、枕套)
  • 床头灯和台灯
  • 浪涌保护器
  • 衣柜的组织者
  • 床下储物箱和储物箱
  • 洗衣袋或洗衣篮
  • 洗衣用品 (洗涤剂等.)
  • 挂的组织者
  • 衣架
  • 命令钩子
  • 个人的粉丝
  • 小工具
  • 垃圾桶
  • 清洁用品

并不是所有的浴室宿舍都是一样的. If you’re lucky, your teen will only share the bathroom with roommates or the room next door. 更常见的是,新生宿舍有地板浴室. Don’t worry, these recommendations should apply to most circumstances!

When packing, consider what bathroom products and supplies your teen uses. Even if they share these products and supplies with parents or siblings, 你的孩子需要一个他们自己的. Some examples might entail hair styling tools, cotton swabs, and toothpaste.

  • 洗漱用品
  • 毛巾 (洗澡,手,脸)
  • 淋浴的鞋子
  • 淋浴和浴室用品 (肥皂、牙膏等.)
  • 浴袍

Some dorms may have kitchen appliances available for residents. I suggest finding out what your dorm has available before making any big purchases. These items will keep your teen from buying every meal from the on-campus restaurants or dining hall/cafeteria.

  • 迷你冰箱
  • 微波
  • 个人搅拌机
  • 锅和平底锅
  • 炊具套装
  • 可重复使用及携带的器具
  • 微波炉安全的盘子、碗和马克杯
  • 食品储存容器
  • 滤水罐
  • 纸巾
  • 洗碗巾
  • 开罐器
  • 可重复使用的水瓶

It’s tempting, but your teen won’t need to bring their entire closet. They’ll need clothes to go to class and lounge in, 和朋友出去玩, and attend professional events such as career fairs. Help them pack their favorite clothes and items that can mix and match.

If you’re concerned about the weather changing, bring layers or jackets for cooler months. If your teen is going out of state, consider buying their heavy winter pieces in their new town!

  • 适合时节的服装 (Leave the winter boots home if it’s summer or early fall and they’re coming home before the weather changes.)
  • (1)职业装 (in case of presentations or networking opportunities)
  • 运动服装
  • 雨衣、雨靴和雨伞
  • 迷你针线包
  • 熨斗或蒸笼
  • 周末旅行者包

大学就是要有灵活性. You’ll need to prepare your teen for anything to happen. Pouring rain on their walk to class, a snoring roommate, a bad cold when the weather changes, etc. Make sure your teen has what they need to face any obstacle and make the most of their college experience!

  • 学校用品 (laptop, notebooks, pens, index cards, and anything else required for the registered classes)
  • 背包
  • 自行车和头盔 我推荐,但不是必需的. 如果你在一个大的校园里, you may only have 15 minutes to make it from one end of campus to the other to get to class on time. Encourage your teen to become familiar with the on-campus bus routes, 哪些对学生来说是免费的.)
  • 自行车锁 大学校园里偷自行车很常见. 自行车锁也应该绕着车轮!)
  • 胡椒喷雾钥匙链 这对夜间行走很重要!)
  • 手电筒和电池
  • 10英尺的手机充电线
  • 耳塞 (以防室友吵闹)
  • 睡眠眼罩
  • 急救箱
  • 杀虫剂或其他杀虫剂 (being unprepared for a cockroach encounter is not fun…)
  • 感冒药/止痛药和纸巾 (don’t wait until your teen is sick to purchase these!)
  • I-9可接受文件 (找工作时)
  • 轻型真空或手持吸尘器

如果你用这些必需品武装你的孩子, they will surely be prepared for their first few weeks in their new home! 当你继续准备的时候, remember we’re praying for you and your upcoming graduate as they embark on their newest journey!

CeCe Jacob is the 校友 Relations Coordinator and Worship Leader for Calvary Christian Academy. She has a professional background in PR and marketing with a bachelor’s degree in public relations from the University of Florida. 茜茜和她丈夫, 杰米, attend Calvary Chapel 劳德代尔堡 where they are both passionate about discipling the next generation.




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